La Ciudadela, Mexico City

I learned of the expansion of Ciudadela offerings from my friend Lirio Garduño,a poet and artist, French and Spanish teacher, and authority on cuisine for culture vultures visiting Paris and Mexico City. My pal Sterling and I had danced Danzón one Saturday afternoon some years ago in the Plaza of the Ciudadela, but had not learned of the more recent development of book stores, exhibition spaces, and personal libraries, including one with 24,000 books and folios once belonging to cultural critic Carlos Monsiváis (1938-2010). The man loved books! In Spanish, of course, but many in English. And many about cats, which he loved and provided for through Gatos Olvidados

Carlos Monsiváis loved cats

Carlos Monsiváis loved cats


A library and play area for children, and children’s bookstore, too.

Biblioteca para niños

Biblioteca para niños

And a media center.

Centro de la Imagen

Centro de la Imagen

There’s also a fabulous crafts market in the area.

Mercado de Artesanía, La Ciudadela

Mercado de Artesanía, La Ciudadela

La Ciudadela is walking distance from Mexico City’s historic center.

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